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About Vertical Tab Bar in Floorp 12 and Later

About Vertical Tab Bar in Floorp 12 and Later

The vertical tabs implemented by Floorp are no longer available in Floorp 12 and later. This is because Mozilla, the upstream of Floorp, has implemented vertical tabs in Firefox, eliminating the need for Floorp to maintain them. If you wish to use vertical tabs going forward, please use Firefox's vertical tabs.

Here's how Firefox looks with vertical tabs enabled:

Firefox Vertical Tabs

Differences Between Floorp and Firefox Vertical Tabs

There are several differences between the vertical tabs implemented in Firefox and those in Floorp. Please note that Firefox's vertical tabs operate in the same location as the sidebar, so they are not specifically designed to always display tabs.

While Floorp does its best to ensure its sidebar implementation doesn't conflict with Firefox, issues may still occur.

Currently, vertical tabs can be enabled from "Firefox Settings > Firefox Lab > Vertical Tabs".