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Floorp Mobile


We currently do not have any plans to release a mobile version of Floorp.

Why No Plans for Mobile?

Our team does not have the time and resources for developing Android and iOS versions. Additionally, supporting mobile platforms would significantly increase our costs.

Code Structure

Although Firefox, the base of Floorp, uses the Gecko rendering engine for both mobile and desktop versions, there are significant differences in the browser frontends. These differences prevent most of Floorp's codebase from being reused across platforms.

Cost Concerns

Our team is dedicated to maintaining the desktop version of Floorp. Unfortunately, due to limited resources and our reliance on donations (without a current profit model), developing a mobile version is not feasible at this time.

What's Next?

If we establish a sustainable profit model, we may consider developing Floorp Mobile in the future.

Please note that there are currently no plans for Floorp Mobile. Thank you for your understanding.