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Frequently Asked Questions

This page answers frequently asked questions about Floorp.

How do you pronounce "Floorp"?

It is pronounced as "floːp".

What features does it have?

Currently, the official website provides the most detailed explanation.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask on social media or within the community.

We plan to add various feature explanations to this document soon.

I have an issue. Where should I contact?

Please check here.

What is Ablaze?

Ablaze is a group of creators primarily active in Japan. It is a community and not a company or a public organization.

Why is Widevine installed even though DRM-controlled content is not supported?

As mentioned in this article, Floorp may encounter issues when playing content from services like Netflix or Spotify.

Widevine has security levels ranging from L1 to L3, with L1 being the highest. The security level determines the content that can be played. For example, L1 is required to play HD content on Netflix.
However, the version of Widevine installed on Floorp is the lowest level, Widevine L3. This level may restrict content quality or even prevent content playback altogether.

To avoid confusion, the document explains that it does not hold the necessary license.
We appreciate your understanding.